Camp Invention 2013 Begins!
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Today was the first day of Camp Invention at Riverstone International School!

**Here’s a quick snapshot of what we did today…

In the Cache Dash™ module, we were recruited to be expedition trainees. We used outdoor treasure hunting and navigation techniques to complete a challenge course and received a clue to the location of a cache. We figured out the clue and found the cache, which contained invention challenges from youth in France, Singapore and Honduras. The cache was also filled with special technology materials to include in our solution designs!

In Ecoverse™, we embarked on our quest to explore the realms of the Earth. Today, we reached for the sky as we explored constellations and built a stellar navigation tool! We used our device to locate our Petrosphere Journals, where we will reflect, explore, and sketch their ideas and descriptions of the Earth all week long. Our achievements earned us the sky glyph! The constellation Pisces is the clue for the location of tomorrow’s quest.

The hottest place on Earth is where our Amazing Atlas Games™ module started. To find it, we had to locate the Sahara Desert using latitude and longitude markings on a world map. While exploring the desert, we built an insulated cover to protect our equipment from overheating. We each need to bring in one fist-sized or smaller clean rock for tomorrow’s adventures.

In the I Can Invent: Launchitude™ module, we received our week’s mission: to help a flock of international rubber ducks get home! Today, some of us began disassembling appliances to locate gadgets and gears that can be incorporated into our duck launching inventions, while others began designing. We will work together this week to build the ultimate Duck Chucking Device!

**Information from the parent flier from Camp Invention.

Tomorrow is Zany Hat Day!

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