The following article was written by Trevor Lindsay and Christian Bondy, MYP Coordinators.
Greetings! This letter represents the second in a three-part series explaining the continuum of International Baccalaureate (IB) programs implemented at Riverstone, including the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the Diploma Programme (DP). We are honored this year to team as co-coordinators in the MYP after 21 years of combined service in the Riverstone community and are excited to share all that our program has to offer.
The MYP is a challenging academic framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. It encompasses 9 subject groups and 6 elective offerings, providing a broad and balanced education; developing strong research, writing, and communication skills; and extending the classroom curriculum to the outdoors and the community. Throughout, the MYP encourages service, personal creativity, and physical activity.
In the Riverstone MYP, we value not just what you learn, but how and why you learn. We call the development of these skills Approaches to Learning (ATL). ATL skills are intended to apply across curriculum requirements and provide a common language for teachers and students to use when reflecting and building on the process of learning. The IB curriculum emphasizes 5 ATL skills (with several subcategories within each skill):
- Thinking Skills
- Research Skills
- Communication Skills
- Self-Management Skills
- Social Skills
The Riverstone Middle School has made several important advancements to our MYP program in order to deliver a developmentally-appropriate curriculum that builds upon the transdisciplinary learning in the PYP and prepares students for the academic rigor of the DP. Wednesdays in Middle School provide an opportunity for teachers to deep dive into subject-specific curriculum; develop an interdisciplinary experience with faculty from other academic disciplines; or head off-campus for a hands-on experiential learning opportunity. On Wednesdays, Middle School learning comes alive!
Unit of inquiry curriculum expos are a celebration of the IB learning process. Incredible teaching and learning is happening every day in the Riverstone Middle School, and expos are an excellent opportunity for our school community to understand and enjoy the amazing learning happening in each classroom. Our middle school teaching team is truly exceptional, brimming with creativity and passion. It's evident that every single one of our teachers loves what they do; they are truly the heart of our program!
This year, we’ve implemented new structural supports in the middle school schedule that support our students’ development. Homeroom takes place in the mornings and afternoons, giving each student a teacher advisor who knows them uniquely, checks in with them daily, and guides them with planning, reflection, and mindfulness. Support blocks are an opportunity for students to have monitored study periods, individualized “Tune-Ups,” intentional goal setting, and targeted wellness activities. These structures provide purposeful, scaffolded support for each individual student and help guide students through their transition from the PYP while preparing them for the MYP and DP.