What Makes Riverstone Special for International Students

  • An internationally recognized academic program
  • Discussion-oriented classes
  • A small school culture where teachers support, encourage and know students well
  • Personalized college counseling
  • Outdoor education
  • A northwestern U.S. town that is safe and welcoming
  • New facilities for boarding students
  • Host families for J1 exchange students

An Internationally-Recognized Curriculum: The International Baccalaureate Programme

Riverstone International School is authorized to offer the prestigious International Baccalaureate programmes. Students in grades 8–10 enroll in the Middle Years Programme. To complete the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, they must attend Riverstone for both grade 11 and 12. Only students with previous IB experience may apply for grade 12.

The Diploma Programme is considered excellent preparation for college.

Read more about the Diploma Programme here

The Big Benefits of a Small School Culture and Discussion-Oriented Classes

We are a small school with students from preschool through high school. Our high school classes typically have fewer than 20 students. As a result, our students can participate in discussions and activities that only small classes and excellent teachers make possible. We seek out—and respect—students’ opinions and perspectives that help create a meaningful learning environment.

Making lifelong friends at Riverstone only takes a short while if you are open to meeting new people. Many of our international students return to Boise to visit friends and teachers after their time here is over—and many of our local students visit their international classmates when they travel abroad.

Our school community includes representation from more than 45 countries.

Being Part of a Family

International students studying on an F1 student visa will live in our boarding community in downtown Boise. Our dorm parents will assist students with transitioning to a new school, new friends, and a new city.

Read more about our boarding program here

College Counseling to Guide You

Many international students attend high school in the U.S. with the hopes of continuing their college education in the U.S. Our students, both local and international, receive a great deal of attention and advice from our college counselor. One hundred percent of Riverstone graduates are accepted into colleges worldwide.

Outdoor Education

Exploring the mountains and canyons of Idaho is part of every student’s education at Riverstone. For many international students, carrying a backpack or sleeping in a tent are new experiences. Our Outdoor Education Coordinator and experienced students are always happy to answer questions, encourage classmates, loan equipment, or simply lend a hand.

Read more about our outdoor education program here

A Safe Place to Live and Study: Boise, Idaho

Boise is considered one of the best-kept secrets of the Pacific Northwest and a very safe place for your student to attend school.

Read more about Boise here

What International Students Say About Riverstone

Riverstone is awesome! We have so many activities, outdoor trips, and clubs. Students go out together, discuss together, and have fun together. [All of which] gave me some precious memories. As for academics, since our class size is not big, every teacher cares about every single student, and students are so close to teachers that we can talk about daily life — even some trivial things. Another thing that makes Riverstone special is that every student knows each other, not only in the same class but also the entire high school and even middle school or elementary school.

R Class of 2016, CHINA

First of all, I would say that Riverstone is very different from my school in France. Riverstone International and the IB diploma are unique experiences in terms of learning and discovering. Both teachers and students are involved in a positive community and are really concerned about their surroundings. Helping each other and trying to improve the environment for everyone is the main purpose of Riverstone besides learning.

H Class of 2017, FRANCE

I think Riverstone is a great school with amazing academics and possibilities for after-school activities. The school has a casual and friendly environment, which makes it a lot less stressful to be an exchange student. The teachers are always there to help and guide. Riverstone is a lot different from what I am used to. I come from a big high school, where the culture and environment are completely different. The outdoor program is a big part of the school, and I think it is a big part of … helping them grow as people. The Riverstone culture is unique, without doubt.

M Class of 2017, NORWAY

From the first day I came here I considered Riverstone my home. The community was wonderful, everyone was friendly, and the teachers I’ve met here are caring and always nice to everyone. As an international student, I’ve felt like all the other American students. At this school, students do a lot of activities together, and we all are good friends. It’s simply a special experience.

A Class of 2016, ALBANIA

I think Riverstone is a really cool and special school. It’s small, so students and teachers are close. Classes are small, so teachers know their students very well. Students can ask the teachers questions whenever. I can feel I’m really a part of this school and teachers really care about me. Riverstone not only has excellent academics, it also has plenty of different activities. I’m very happy and comfortable to be at Riverstone.

J Class of 2015, CHINA

Please watch our video featuring Beka S. from Kazakhstan as he speaks about his experience as a boarding student at Riverstone International School.