Takeaways from Abu Dhabi
Other News

by Gretchen Arguedas, Director of College Counseling

Six years ago, New York University invited me to visit their new campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The program was housed in a temporary campus, the school had not graduated a class yet, and much of my visit focused on introducing college counselors to the Middle East.

I had the privilege of visiting NYU Abu Dhabi again last month. The college is now permanently located on Saadiyat Island in state-of-the art, thoughtfully designed buildings. Having graduated several classes and attracting applicants from around the world, NYU Abu Dhabi has established itself as a leader in educating internationally-mindful students who engage in thoughtful cross-cultural dialogue.

Weeks before I visited Abu Dhabi, I traveled with the junior class to tour colleges around the Pacific Northwest. While the colleges that we toured this fall differed from NYU Abu Dhabi in fundamental ways, a common theme emerged. How do we educate students for a future that we cannot imagine yet? An admissions counselor at Reed College offered a provocative response: what you study matters much less than how you study it.

As students and parents consider college choices, I encourage them to question how a school, whether it be Riverstone or a university, will educate them as a whole human being rather than simply preparing them to do a job. Jobs will come and go, industries change, and our world evolves, but character, work ethic, critical thinking, and the ability to ask productive questions prepares students for enriching and productive lives.

Highlights from the junior class Pacific Northwest College Tour (October 2018):

Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

University of Oregon in Eugene, OR

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