Back-to-School Anxiety is real! Help your kids prepare.
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Happy almost start of the school year! I know that coming into a new grade can cause anxiety. This is normal for a number of students, probably more than both you and I think. The start of the school year brings a lot of changes which can be exciting, but also scary. Know that there are students at our school that feel the same way that you do, even if this is their first, fifth, or tenth year at Riverstone.
It always seems to come back to this, but sleep is really important in managing anxiety. So, while your free time wains away, take the time to go to bed early. It’s important to start a healthy sleep routine. Also, take some time everyday to breathe, relax, and process everything that happened that day. This could take the form of walking, journaling, coloring, listening to calming music, meditating, eating chocolate, or whatever works best for you. If you have a difficult time finding the thing that helps you relax, let me know, and we can meet and discuss options.
Here are some quick tips to help with back-to-school anxiety:
  • Take care of the basics: eat and sleep. We’re never our best selves when we’re hungry and tired.
  • Share your fears. Talk with someone about your anxiety, or write it down in a processing journal. It can be therapeutic to externalize your fears. I’m always here if you need anything. My office is located in the South Fork Building, right as you come in the door.
  • Focus on the positive. Instead of thinking about all of the scary things at the start of school, think about what you’re feeling excited about. Ask yourself, “what are three things I’m excited for today?”
Please know that you have an entire school community here to support you. So, if you need anything, please reach out so we can work together to ease the shift.
Andrea Kuenzli
School Counselor



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