Exceptional Riverstone Faculty News
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We are excited to share the recent successes of two members of the Riverstone faculty. Both Christine Corbin and Jon Moreno-Ramirez exemplify the unique and exceptional individuals who teach at Riverstone International School.

Congratulations, Christine and Jon!

00063Christine Corbin, our Middle School Art teacher, has been recognized as a 2017 Fellow and awarded a $5000 grant to “Explore the art, customs and culture of the diminishing Ethiopian Omo River Valley tribal people to enhance current art units on perceptions of beauty in diverse cultures and on unique tribal identity through the use of body painting and adornment, scarification, and piercings.”

During her month-long trip, Christine will be living with the Omo River Valley tribal people as she conducts her research. Fund for Teachers, the organization awarding this grant wrote to Christine, “From thousands of applications from across the country, your proposal stood out as one that will bring relevant knowledge and skills back to your students.You now join a peer group of over 7,000 other PreK – 12 educators who refused to settle for traditional professional development or the status quo in their classroom. After navigating the globe conducting field research, attending seminars, volunteering with community organizations or observing best practices, our Fellows inspire school communities with authentic learning.” You may read more about the 2017 Fellows and their proposals here.
We are incredibly proud of Christine who put over 100 hours of work into her grant application. We can’t wait to hear about her adventures and see the impact on our students! Congratulations, Christine!


00236High School Physics teacher, Jon Moreno-Ramirez was recently featured in an Idaho Ed News article celebrating him as a recipient of a $15,000 Partners in Science Program grant from M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.

Jon will investigate the fundamental physical properties of nanoscale ferroelectrics and multiferroics in various devices, such as computer memories or microwave electronic devices. The grant program is to help high school science teachers obtain firsthand research experience that they can apply in the classroom. Congratulations, Jon!






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