The Six Pound Sunflower
Other News

Reposted from Tina Morgan’s Gr 1 blog:

The first graders have officially started their Measurement Unit of Inquiry. One of our students brought in a giant sunflower from home which gave us the perfect opportunity to front load the unit. We weighed “C” solo and then weighed “C” holding the sunflower. With assistance the first graders were able to write a representative number model and then solve for the unknown (50 + ? = 56). They found that the sunflower weight 6 pounds. Following this, the first graders each made an estimate of the number of sunflower seeds in the flower. The estimates ranged from 5 to 10,000. Sometime during the unit we will remove the seeds and count them. We will keep you posted on the other fun sunflower measurement activities that will follow.

We also did a measurement pre-assessment activity to help me understand the knowledge that the children have going into the unit. This helps me plan engagements according to the interests and needs of our group. This pre-assessment showed me that at this point the first graders are all thinking of “measurement” as a term that refers to linear calculations only. I am really looking forward to opening their minds to the idea that “measurement” applies to almost every aspect of their lives everyday! During this unit the children will be learning about linear measurements, area, volume, capacity, time, temperature, and monetary value. They will have many fun measuring activities to do at home as well as in the classroom.

Please keep track of measurement-related things your child says or does throughout this “How We Organize Ourselves” Unit of Inquiry. I would like to post these student-initiated inquiries, statements, and actions on our PYP Parking Lot. These questions and actions help guide me as I plan measurement units for future first graders.

I hope you share the enthusiasm that your child is already demonstrating for our new Unit of Inquiry. Let me know if you have questions or concerns, or if you would like to share your expertise in an area associated with measurement!

Photos include the day the students started counting all the seeds!

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