Cell Analogies
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You probably can remember learning about the cell: its functions and various components with words like vacuoles, endoplasmic reticullum, mitochondria. But imaging having not only to learn the cell and its functions in the language of biology, but teaching someone else who has a completely different background from you. Finding common ground that you can both can connect to becomes incredibly important — and challenging.

Middle School Science teacher, John Pedersen, gave his Gr 7 students this exact challenge: apply their knowledge of the cell and its functions and their creativity to develop cell models and displays that will allow them to connect with someone who meets the following descriptions:

Coral Shores
Age 22
Coral grew up in a tiny beach town in Hawaii. She spent most of hers days surfing, collecting seashells and spending time on the beach.

Harvey Swashbuckle
Age 20
Harvey grew up just about everywhere. His parents were archaelogists who studied shipwrecks and were constantly on the go traveling. Harvey grew a strong interest in all things pirate.

Brittany Cinema
Age: 21
Brittany grew up in the Hollywood Hills. Brittany is a rich girl who is quite detached from anything not dealing with fame. Brittany’s mother is a famous movie producer, and her mother’s love for movies can be found with Brittany.

Charlie Barndoor
Age 19
Charlie grew up on a farm in Indiana. Charlie spends almost all his free time tending to his parents farm. Charlie’s main interests are riding his tractor and tending to his animals on the farm.

Cindy R. Ella
Age 20
Cindy grew up in Anaheim California where she had a season pass for Disneyland every year of her life. She visited the park on most every weekend basking in the wonder of the magic castle waiting to meet her Price Charming. She attends Walt Disney University where her favorite class is “When You Wish Upon a Star.”

Shaniqa Sanger
Age 21
Shaniqa grew up watching reality shows like American Idol, The X-Factor and the Voice where she dreams of the day when she will be a contestant on the Voice where she hopes to be picked by Lusher.

The following are photos of our students and their cell displays. Well done Grade 6!

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