Camp Invention Day Two
Other News

Today was the second day of Camp Invention at Riverstone International School!

**Here’s a quick snapshot of what we did today…

It’s Day Two of the Cache Dash™ and we investigated the global challenges involving traffic troubles in Paris, running out of living space in Singapore, and turning marine debris into power in Honduras. We generated potential solutions to these challenges at Idea Stations, had the chance to pick which challenge we were most interested in solving and they started building.

Today in Ecoverse™ we headed out to sea as we navigated across the ocean to find a sunken ship
and studied how scientists use SONAR. Our biggest challenge today was to retrieve a message in a bottle found under the sea near the shipwreck! The message gave us a clue of where we will head tomorrow. Our oceanic odyssey earned us the water glyph for our Petrosphere Journal!

During Day Two of Amazing Atlas Games™, we hiked to the top of K2, the second tallest mountain in the world! We accidentally dropped our hiking supplies and built a contraption to retrieve them from the mountain ledge. We also explored center of gravity as we balanced rocks, including ones we brought in from home, to create the tallest rock towers.

Today in the I Can Invent: Launchitude™ module, Take Apart continued, and teams tested the trajectory of their ducks to increase the accuracy of their Duck Chucking Device. Will our machines be sharp shooters, or will our ducks fail to fly?

Stay tuned!

**Information from the parent flier from Camp Invention.

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